The Awesome Human Brain

There are about 100 billion neurons in the human brain, the same number of stars in our galaxy. An estimated 70,000 thoughts are produced by the brain on an average day. After age 30, the brain shrinks a quarter of a percent in mass each year.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Is everyone stumped on the last round of questions?

I have an arsenal of riddles and trivia.
I hesitate to post more of them due to the lack of response to the last round.
Is everyone stumped, or just tired of riddles?
OMG, was it my REALLY bad cowboy boot joke?

Is the dream of winning fabulous gifts and prizes not enough to get your cranium cranking?

Perhaps it's time to shift gears?
And move to top secret Phase 2 of blog Awesome.
Yes, I said top secret.


  1. I like the riddles. I just suck at figuring them out sometimes. Then, I don't want to answer the ones I know. But, I am trying to 'face my fear'

  2. Why don't you want to answer, if you know them?

    Do you want to talk to Dr. Ruth about this issue? I am sure she could help you face your fears.

  3. Amy, I need to face my fears and answer the freakin' questions! LOL
