The Awesome Human Brain

There are about 100 billion neurons in the human brain, the same number of stars in our galaxy. An estimated 70,000 thoughts are produced by the brain on an average day. After age 30, the brain shrinks a quarter of a percent in mass each year.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

!st prize purchased for Goliath

A lot of time and effort went into selecting this prize. I have described his prize in detail on Goliath's forum.

I know that Goliath likes chickens, Goliath has been around for a very long time, Goliath is a treasured attraction, with a larger than life personality and he is smooth and easy. At times his forum has been described in a negative light-hence the "circus attraction" connection.

I meant no harm or sarcasm in the prize selection for Goliath. If any harm was taken, I am sorry.

I hope to finish purchasing the remaining gifts before this years end. Each gift will bear some meaning to the character or personality of the recipient. Each gift will be pictured and described on Goliath's forum.